It’s not always about the photography
Badwater Basin | Death Valley NP
As much as I’d love to come home with portfolio worthy images from every trip, that’s just not the way it works. I try my best on each trip to create the best images I can but sometimes it just doesn’t happen. Either the weather doesn’t cooperate, the scene I envisioned didn’t work out or sometimes I just don’t “feel it” on certain trips. Often I just need to get away from the City to recharge and photography isn’t the main goal, spending time in Nature is the primary goal and photography is the excuse to get away. The latter approach was the case on my recent trip to Death Valley National Park in February. I received a text from a friend (also a photographer) asking if I wanted to meet up in Death Valley for photography and riding motorcycles, Hell yeah!!!! My friend had never been to this amazing park and I didn’t need much nudging to get one more trip in before the season was over.
I loaded up the car and off I went for a few days of searching for good light and nothingness (I’m not sure that’s a real word) to clear my head. I knew this trip would be more about adventure and spending time in nature than photography but I still planned on trying to create a few images. More often than not, if I plan a pure photography trip I’ve found that I put too much pressure and expectations on myself and my mind just doesn’t work well creatively under those circumstances. Whereas if I allow myself to just be present where I am, I’ve found that I’m much more creative and have produced some of my most favorite images. I’m learning that I work best when I use photography as an excuse to get into the outdoors for a dose of Nature Therapy.
Anyways, back to this trip with my buddy Seth. We just had so much fun riding around and exploring Death Valley. I had way too much fun with Seth on this trip, I came back with one ok image but the fun, memories and motivation well made up for the lack of images. I also came home extremely inspired to create more art, to start checking off more places on my “to visit” list.
Riding around on two wheels is a great way to see this park, somehow it made me feel more connected than when I drive around in my truck. I can’t wait to head out and explore again!
Seth and I at the top of Titus Canyon
Thanks as always for following along on my journey, I appreciate your support. I hope you enjoy my images as much as I do creating them. Feel free to reach out if you a comment, question or jut want to say hey.
~ Andrew