My Thoughts, Ramblings and Ideas
I hesitate to call this section of my website a Blog, I feel that implies a purpose and a sense of direction. Really I find this section of my site as a space for the random thoughts and ideas that pop into my head and also a way to put more words with my images. We’ll call it a journal if you will, a place for me to put more words to my images and also to take my viewers along with me on my various journeys through this beautiful world.

Nature First, Photography Second
I was a lover of nature way before I ever picked up a camera. I will always put the well being of the natural world over any picture.

Ballad of the Coyote
Spending a week in Jackson Hole, Wyoming changed my view of the world, it is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been! I was lucky on one of my days out to come across a coyote and we spent a little time together, I was talking to him and he was talking to… well I don’t know.

Getting Out Of A Creative Funk
I really needed to get out of a creative funk but couldn’t shake it. I decided to try a new piece of gear to see if that would help. Instead of spending money I didn’t have, I rented a macro lens I had never used before and went to work.