My Thoughts, Ramblings and Ideas

I hesitate to call this section of my website a Blog, I feel that implies a purpose and a sense of direction. Really I find this section of my site as a space for the random thoughts and ideas that pop into my head and also a way to put more words with my images. We’ll call it a journal if you will, a place for me to put more words to my images and also to take my viewers along with me on my various journeys through this beautiful world.

Hokkaido: Act III, The Christmas Tree
Japan Andrew Hertel Japan Andrew Hertel

Hokkaido: Act III, The Christmas Tree

A breathtaking moment in Hokkaido, Japan, featuring the iconic "Christmas Tree" under dramatic winter skies. This image from my series Hokkaido: A Tale of Light and Snow captures the fleeting magic of light, shadow, and snow, showcasing the quiet beauty of this serene landscape.

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