My Thoughts, Ramblings and Ideas
I hesitate to call this section of my website a Blog, I feel that implies a purpose and a sense of direction. Really I find this section of my site as a space for the random thoughts and ideas that pop into my head and also a way to put more words with my images. We’ll call it a journal if you will, a place for me to put more words to my images and also to take my viewers along with me on my various journeys through this beautiful world.
It’s not always about the photography
As much as I’d love every photography trip I take to be productive……
Laguna Sentinels
A rare winter storm brought a magical winter wonderland to San Diego’s local mountains, of course I had to take advantage of the conditions and had a snowy adventure day.
I’m riding my bike from Canada to Mexico!
I’m finally doing it, I’m going to ride my bike over 3,000 miles from Canada to Mexico. Follow along and join me as I bikepack my way down the Continental Divide along the world’s longest unpaved trail, the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route.
Finding My Voice
Perform a Google search on the secret to becoming a successful artist and you’ll get a zillion results on the importance of finding your own voice/vision/niche. Whether it’s finding a topic that’s interesting to an artist or something that will set them apart from the crowd, every artist needs to find what makes them tick and standout amongst the crowd. I’m finally finding my voice as an artist, I still have a ways to go but I’m on the right path.